The Month Of ELUL

August 12th - September 9th, 2018


Elul is the 12th and final month in the Jewish calendar. It is a month that connects the past year with the coming year. It is taught that in this month, the “King is in the Field,” and G‑d is readily accessible, willing to hear our requests and listen to our prayers for the coming new year. Every day of Elul we blow the shofar and recite special Psalms in anticipation of the High Holidays, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Click the link below to learn more...


Minyan Schedule

Shabbat: Maariv/ Friday Night Service:
At Sundown, followed by Kiddush
Shabbat: Shacharit/ Saturday Morning Service:
9:30AM, followed by Kiddush and Cholent

Sunday: Shacharit/ Morning Service: 8AM

Candle Lighting Times for Huntington, NY 11743